Keywords = infectious bronchitis virus
Cross-immunity study of two experimentally oil-emulsion inactivated Infectious bronchitis vaccines in SPF chickens

Volume 63, Issue 2, July and August 2008, Pages 1-9


. Shoshtari; M. Vasfi-Marandi; R. Toroghi; M.H. Bozorgmehrifard; R. Momayez

Experimental histopathologic study of the lesions induced by serotype 793/B (4/91) infectious bronchitis virus

Volume 62, Issue 1, March and April 2007, Pages 15-22


S.A. Pourbakhsh; A. Tavasoly; S. Mahdavi; R. Momayez

Detection of Infectious Bronchitis Virus in Allantioc Fluid by Rapid Hemagglutination Test.

Volume 59, Issue 2, January and February 2005, Pages 47-54


R. Momayez; P. Gharahkhani; R. Toroghi; S.A. Pourbakhsh