Keywords = Staphylococcus aureus
Molecular investigation and virulence determination of methicillin and vancomycin resistant clinical Staphylococcus aureus isolates

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 November 2024


Nima Eslamnezhad; fereshte Ghandehari; Mohsen Mirzaee; Mohammad Reza Mehrabi; Mahboobeh Madani

Investigating the antibiotic resistance pattern of MRSA in cancer patients

Volume 79, Issue 6, November and December 2024, Pages 1297-1304


Fatemeh Shamakhteh; Elaha Tajbakhsh; Hassan Momtaz

Evaluation of icaA and icaD genes involved in biofilm formation in Staphylococcus aureus isolates from clinical sources using Reverse Transcriptase PCR

Volume 79, Issue 6, November and December 2024, Pages 1329-1335


Mohammad Armoon; Ebrahim Babapour; Reza Mirnejad; Mahshad Babapour; majid taati moghadam

Study on the prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection, antibiotic resistance pattern, biofilms genes, and antibiotic resistance genes from clinical samples

Volume 79, Issue 5, September and October 2024, Pages 923-928


Zahra Hemmati; Arash Soltani Borchaloee; Fateme Bazrafshan; Bahar Jahan Latibari; Paniz Mehrpour Ghaziani; Maryam Hashemi Khou

Evaluation of Gene Expression of norA and norB Gene in Ciproflaxin and Levofloxacin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Volume 77, Issue 5, September and October 2022, Pages 1987-1993


N Saad Latteef; W. Y Salih; A Aziz Abdulhassan; R Jasim Obeed

Molecular Detection of Clumping factor A gene and Antibiotic Susceptibility Evaluation of Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections

Volume 77, Issue 2, March and April 2022, Pages 573-578


A Maki N. Al-Muaala; A Sadeq Yasir Al-Ethari; I Abdul Ameer Al-Kraety; S Ghani Al-Muhanna

Effect of Ultraviolet Light on the Expression of icaD Gene in Staphylococcus aureus Local Isolates in Iraq

Volume 76, Issue 5, November and December 2021, Pages 1221-1227


S Hamel Mohaisen; M Hussain Ali; Z Hashem Shehab; A. W Al-Mayyahi; A. A Abdulhassan