Keywords = Toxoplasma gondii
Phylogenetic study of protozoan Toxoplasma gondii using Cytochrome b and Gra20 genes

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 December 2024


Soghra Bozorgi; Sedigheh Nabian; Asghar Afshari; Amin Shahedi; Vahid Nasiri; Gholamreza Habibi

Molecular and Seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis in Goats’ Blood and Milk in Iraq

Volume 77, Issue 5, September and October 2022, Pages 1749-1755


M. A Razooqi; H. A. J Gharban; M. A. F Al-Kaabi

Effects of Toxoplasma gondii on Levels of Interleukin-5 in Parkinson's Patients

Volume 77, Issue 1, January and February 2022, Pages 213-220


S Hasan Kadhum AL-Huchaimi; G Hameed Neamah AL-Kefaei; B Ahmed Alameedy

Development of a Lateral Flow Immunoassay Using Recombinant Dense Granular Antigen (GRA) 7 to Detect Anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG Antibodies

Volume 74, Issue 1, March 2019, Pages 39-49


H. Morovati; S. J. Seyyed Tabaei; M. Gholamzad; K. Omidfar; A. Ahmadi; Z. Arab Mazar; A. Eshaghi; F. Sheikhsofla

Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in Small Ruminants in Southwest of Iran

Volume 73, Issue 4, December 2018, Pages 305-310


J. Gharekhani; M. Yakhchali; B. Esmaeilnejad; K. Mardani; G. Majidi; A. Sohrabei; R. Berahmat; M. Hazhir Alaei

A comparison between serological and molecular tests in diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection among stray cats in Ahvaz, southwestern Iran

Volume 72, Issue 2, July and August 2017, Pages 107-114


Bahman Mosallanejad; Hossein Hamidinejat; Masoud Reza Seifiabad Shapouri; Fatemeh Rezaei Ghaleh

A Serological and Molecular study on Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep and goat in Tabriz

Volume 68, Issue 1, May and June 2013, Pages 29-35


A. Kavari; N. Nowzari; G. Moazeni Jula; F. Moazeni Jula; H. Hashemzadeh

Cloning rhoptry protein 1 (ROP1) gene of Toxoplasma gondii (RH) in expression vector

Volume 63, Issue 2, July and August 2008, Pages 11-17


F. Ghaffarifar; A. Dalimi; Z. Eslamirad; Z. Sharifi

Cloning and sequencing of Toxoplasma gondii major surface antigen (SAG1) gene

Volume 61, Issue 2, September and October 2006, Pages 73-79


A. Dalimi; F. Ghafari Far; K. Solhjoo; Z. Sharifi

Inhibitory effects of Clindamycin on shedding of Toxoplasma gondii oocyst and its comparison with Monensin in kitten

Volume 61, Issue 1, January and February 2006, Pages 41-47


M. Tabatabayi; B. Mosallanejad; M. Mohebali; A. Malmasi; A. Bahonar; F. Sasani