Main Subjects = Avian Physiology
Sericin-induced hypophagia mediates via M1 muscarinic, NMDA glutamate and glycine receptors in neonatal chicken

Volume 79, Issue 5, September and October 2024, Pages 1109-1116


nima Movahedi; morteza zendehdel; Bita Vazir; Shahin Hassanpour

Investigation of Newcastle Disease Virus Infection in Pet Birds in the Southwest of Iran

Volume 78, Issue 4, July and August 2023, Pages 1259-1268


E Khalafi; Z Boroomand; M Mayahi; M. R Seyfi Abad Shapoui

Central and Peripheral Effects of Lipopolysaccharide on Food Choice and Macronutrient Selection in Meat-Type Chick

Volume 78, Issue 3, May and June 2023, Pages 843-851


S Ghiasi; M Zendehdel; H Haghbinnazarpak; A Asghari; N Sheikhi

Comparison of Penton and Hexon Genes of Fowl Adenovirus Serotype 11 in Molecular Detection of IBH in Broilers

Volume 78, Issue 3, May and June 2023, Pages 873-880


F Arabbaghi; M Allymehr; A Ghalyanchi Langeroudi; A Talebi

Study on Propagation and Adaptation of EDS-76 Avian Adenovirus in Duck and SPF Primary Embryonic Chicken Cell Culture Comparison to Duck and SPF Embryonated Chicken Eggs

Volume 78, Issue 3, May and June 2023, Pages 1095-1105


A. A Razmarai Iranagh; N. Razmaraii; R Aghaei; J Shayegh; M Mousaviyan; A Ameghi Roudsary

The Histopathological and Oxidative Stress Profiles in Japanese Quails (Coturnix japonica) Induced by Dietary Lead

Volume 78, Issue 2, March and April 2023, Pages 523-530


R Abd AL-Zahra Ali; A. J Rasmi Huwait; R Issa Abed; M Faisal Majeed

Effect of Licorice Essential Oil (Glycyrrhizaglabraglabra) on Performance and Some Biochemical Parameters of Broiler Chickens

Volume 78, Issue 1, January and February 2023, Pages 95-105


O Dheyauldeen Salahdin; H Othman; H Hafsan; F Mohammed; T Ahmed Hamza; M. M Kadhim; S Aravindhan; A. S Prakaash; Y Fakri Mustafa

Evaluation of Phosphorus Storage and Performance of Broilers Using Phytase Synthetic Enzyme

Volume 78, Issue 1, January and February 2023, Pages 107-114


H Hafsan; M Mahmood Saleh; J Baban; F Mohammed; T Ahmed Hamza; I Ibrahim; M. M Kadhim; K. A Zwain; Y Fakri Mustafa

The Effect of Nano-Encapsulated Herbal Essential Oils on Poultry' s Health

Volume 77, Issue 6, November and December 2022, Pages 2013-2021


N. T Linh; N. H Qui; A Triatmojo

Effect of Adding Different Levels of Therapeutic Curcuma on Productive Traits in Broiler Chickens

Volume 77, Issue 6, November and December 2022, Pages 2059-2064


N. A Al-Muhammadawi; S Jassim Hammoudi

Progress Phenotypic Traits of Hatched Chicks and Growth Indicators of Broiler Chicks Fed Embryonically with Zinc Methionine

Volume 77, Issue 6, November and December 2022, Pages 2151-2157


M Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi; H Hadi Al-Jebory; M Hameed Abood

Evaluation of the Effect of Peppermint Extract and Probiotics on Biochemical Factors in the Blood of Ascites-Induced Chickens

Volume 77, Issue 6, November and December 2022, Pages 2243-2250


R Obaid Saleh; S Jawdat Abdul-Abbas; S Naji Aziz; S Ghazi Al-Shawi; A Yacoob Yousif; T Ahmed Hamza; M Khudair Hasan; K. A Zwain; Y Fakri Mustafa

Effect of Bacillus subtilis as a Probiotic on the Productive and Physiological Performance of Broilers

Volume 77, Issue 5, September and October 2022, Pages 1647-1653


A. A Al-Seraih; B. A Alsereah; W. A Alwaely; M. Y Al-Hejaj

Immunological Evaluation of Individuals Infected with Acinetobacter baumannii

Volume 77, Issue 5, September and October 2022, Pages 1813-1819


S Manfi Ahmed; K Hashim Yaseen; M Mohammed Mahmood