Main Subjects = Virology
Double Jeopardy: The Intersection of COVID-19 and Pregnancy in an Educational Hospital, Northern Iran, Gorgan

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 July 2024


Alijan Tabarraei; Seyedeh Delafruz Hosseini; Mahdis Banaee; Mohammad Yasaghi; Mostafa Rastegar; Mina Hassanpour; Elham Kashani; Piet Cools; Zahra Sabzi

Hepatitis B virus X protein induces expression changes of miR-21, miR-22, miR-122, miR-132, and miR-222 in Huh-7 cell line

Volume 79, Issue 1, January and February 2024, Pages 111-119


Mahla Khosravi; Emad Behboudi; Hadi Razavi-Nikoo; Alijan Tabarraei

Bac to Bac System Efficiency for Preparing HPV Type 16 Virus-Like Particle Vaccine

Volume 78, Issue 3, May and June 2023, Pages 997-1003


H Razavi-Nikoo; E Behboudi; B Aghcheli; S. M. A Hashemi; A Moradi

Evaluation of BHK-21 Cell Line for Specific Viruses by Two Different PCR Methods

Volume 77, Issue 5, September and October 2022, Pages 1631-1637


F Ziayaeifar; S Soleimani

Isolation and Molecular Detection of Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus

Volume 77, Issue 5, September and October 2022, Pages 1709-1714


O Mohammed Ibrahim; A Bara Allawe; H Ali Kadhim

Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices towards COVID-19 among Hemodialysis Nurses during the COVID-19 Outbreak in Ma'an Governorate Hospitals- Jordan

Volume 77, Issue 5, September and October 2022, Pages 1881-1893


H Aaraj; K Aied Alnawafleh; W Theib Mohammad; M Mohammad Alsaraireh; A Theeb Mohammed

Evaluation of IgM and IgG in COVID-19 Recovered Patients in Iraq

Volume 77, Issue 3, May and June 2022, Pages 1191-1197


S Muslim Dawood; I Khudhur Al Joofy

Histological Changes and Ghrelin, P-Selectin, and Leptin Parameter in Patients with Hepatic Hydatidosis in Iraq

Volume 77, Issue 2, March and April 2022, Pages 585-590


A Hassan Abood; S Khteer Al-Hadraawy; N Abdulhur Alibraheemi; R. S Zabibah; H. M Khalfa

Differences in Clinical Outcomes between Smokers and Non-Smokers infected with COVID-19

Volume 77, Issue 1, January and February 2022, Pages 449-459


N. H Abdulsada Al-Ghuraibawi; S Zeki Al-Fadhel; D. M Mohammed Ali; H Kadhem Al-Hakeim

Recommendation and Roadmap of Mass Vaccination against Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic in Bangladesh as a Lower-Middle-Income Country

Volume 76, Issue 6, November and December 2021, Pages 1823-1830


M. J Hossain; S. M. A Rahman; T. B Emran; S Mitra; M. R Islam; K Dhama

Consecutive Hits of COVID-19 in India: The Mystery of Plummeting Cases and Current Scenario

Volume 76, Issue 5, November and December 2021, Pages 1165-1174


T. K Suvvari; C P; S Kuppili; V Kandi; L. V. S Kutikuppala; V. D. K Kandula; S Mishra; A. K Sarangi; R. K Mohapatra; K Dhama

Surveillance of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses (H5Nx Subtypes) in Wild Birds in Iran, 2014-2019

Volume 76, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 487-498


S. M Marashi; N Sheykhi; H Modirrousta; Gh Nikbakht Broujeni; M Vasfimarandi; S Fereidouni