Analysis of the Scabies Incidence at As'ad Islamic Boarding School, Jambi City

Document Type : Original Articles


Health Environment Department, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia



Scabies is an infectious disease. Based on preliminary observations, numerous scabies sufferers have been found among students living in As'ad Islamic Boarding School, Jambi City, Indonesia. Scabies disease develops in humans and can be influenced by both human factors and the environment. This study aims to identify factors associated with scabies incidence at the As'ad Islamic Boarding School. This analytical observational research was conducted using a cross-sectional study design. The variables measured were scabies symptoms, knowledge, personal hygiene, contact history, humidity, and room occupancy density. The research samples consisted of 178 students at the As'ad Islamic Boarding School in Jambi City, who were selected randomly. The required data were collected by questionnaires and analyzed by Chi-square test and logistic regression. Most of the students had crowded living conditions (94.4%), low room humidity (80.8%), poor personal hygiene (66.3%), a low level of knowledge about scabies (70.8%), contact with scabies sufferers (61.8%), and symptoms of scabies (60.7%). Symptoms of scabies were related to knowledge (P=0.000), personal hygiene (P=0.000), contact history (P=0.000), humidity (P=0.000), and room occupancy density (P=0.001). The incidence of scabies in students at the As'ad Islamic Boarding School was influenced by insufficient knowledge, poor personal hygiene, history of contact, low humidity, and overcrowding.


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