The analysis of Norduz Sheep Mandible with DFA and PCA

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafkas University, Kars-36100, Turkey

2 Department of Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafkas University, Kars-36100, Turkey



Norduz sheep are known as a variety of Akkaraman sheep bred in the Norduz region, which is located within the borders of the Gürpınar district of Van province. Norduz sheep are bred only in the Norduz region, adapt to the harsh climate of the Eastern Anatolia region, and show unique performance indicators that distinguish this breed from other breeds.
In this study, the mandible of Norduz sheep was examined by geometric morphometric method and analyzed. Principal components in multidimensional data sets were determined by Principal Component Analysis. The differences between the samples were determined by Discriminant Function Analysis. For this purpose, study materials were obtained from slaughterhouses in Van. A total of 20 mandibles (10F/10M) were used since analyzes were made in terms of gender. The mandibles were first dissected from the skull. Later, the overlying muscles were dissected. After boiling, they were kept in hydrogen peroxide for 20-30 minutes and the mandibles were bleached. After drying, the mandibles were photographed from the same distance (20 cm). The left lateral sides of the mandibles were used for photographing. Statistical and formal analyzes of these variances were also performed. As a result of the analyzes made, 16 variances were obtained within the scope of principal component analyses. The first three of the variances obtained explained 58,647 of the shape differences. According to the discriminant function analysis, which gave the best results for gender discrimination, the results were very good and individuals were completely separated from each other. In line with these analyzes, information was obtained about the anatomical features and adaptations of the Norduz sheep mandible, and it became an exemplary study in this field.


Main Subjects

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