Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fortified with Selenium on the Hematological and Some Biochemical Traits of Local Iraqi Goat

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Presidency of University, University of Anbar

2 Department of Veterinary Public Health

3 Department of Surgery and Obstetrics, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Fallujah



Selenium (Se) is a mineral that is often used as a dietary supplement. Its deficiency has been associated with fertility disorders, as well as imbalances and inhibition of the immune system. This study aimed to estimate the role of organic selenium and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in improving kids' status, health, and physiological conditions. In total, 10 goat kids at seven days were used, with an average started life body weight (b.wt.) of 4±0.2 kg, and they were divided into two groups. Group 1 (G1) was treated with Se-fortified yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae+Se) with a dose (30 mg/kg) of body weight. On the other hand, group 2 (G2) was the control group and left untreated. The treatment was started from 7 days of age until three months of age. The kids were administered orally daily for three months of the experiment. The jugular vein was used to draw blood samples within 90 days of the experiment to measure RBC, Hb, PCV, and WBC. Blood serum was separated using a centrifuge to estimate ALT, AST, total protein, Albumin, and Globulin concentrations. The results revealed that Hb, PCV, and Globulin were increased significantly in the G1 (P≤0.05), compared to the control group. Moreover, AST was improved, compared to the control group. These results showed that using yeast fortified with organic Se has improved hematological and biochemical parameters' concentration.


Main Subjects


Goat breeding practices is traditional in Iraq and most Arab countries, and they are still raised with sheep herds in small numbers ( 1 ). Due to the ability to produce twins as a source of meat and high-milk production, goat breeding is essential in many Asian and African countries ( 2 ). The characteristic of goats is that they can use different fodder sources as feed, compared to cows, and can tolerate different environmental conditions ( 3 ). The economic importance of goats has prompted many researchers to conduct studies to enhance reproductive efficiency ( 4 ). Selenium (Se) is a required trace mineral for human beings and livestock. Accordingly, Se insufficiency was already linked to various disorders, including impaired fertility, immune imbalance and inhibition, as well as poor nutrition. The most common method to improve the Se status of animals is to use Se supplements in the diet. Inorganic salts, like Se selenite, and organic forms, such as seleno-methionine and Se-yeast, are the most common Se complements. Because it can be assimilated and stored more than inorganic Se, Se-enriched yeast is an appropriate addition for livestock ( 5 ). Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used to promote microbial expansion and prolong rumen fermentation.

Studies have shown that the yeast supplement has positive effects on the quantity and activity of microbes in the rumen. This is because the supplement provides the majority of the essential mineral nutrients during the digestion process that will positively affect the microbial assemblages and their functions in the rumen ( 6 ). In this study, blood factors and some biochemical characteristics of Iraqi goats were evaluated to estimate the result of feeding with Se-enriched Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Animals

In total, 10 goats were used at the age of 7 days with an average body weight at the beginning of life (b.wt.) of 4±0.2 kg. The goats were randomly divided into two groups of five kids. Group 1 (G1) was administered with Se-enriched yeast (30 mg/kg/wt) according to NRC (1980), while group 2 (G2) received distilled water. The treatment continued from 7 days to three months.

2.2. Hematological and Biochemical Analysis

The jugular vein was used to draw blood samples within 90 days of the experiment. Blood was separated into two parts. The first part was put in the EDTA tube to assay the red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), packed cell volume percentage (PCV%), and white blood cell counts (WBC) by hemolysis. The second part was put in the plain tube to collect serum after centrifuging at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes to assay ALT, AST, total protein, Albumin, and Globulin concentration by using spectrophotometric methods according to Morsy, El-Zaiat ( 7 ).

2.3. Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS software (version 25) to determine the Least Statistical Differences at P≤0.05 by using the analysis of variance test.

3. Results and Discussion

The examination of blood parameters showed that Hb and PCV factors increased significantly in G1, which was treated with Saccharomyces cerevisiae+Se, compared to the control group (P≤0.05; Table 1). The increase of these factors is because the yeast has a synergistic action with Se as an anti-oxidants that prevent free radical from damaging the cells. Moreover, it is one of the components that contribute to the assimilation of ferrous, which is the fundamental basis of hemoglobin ( 8 ) in addition to having effects in raising iron intake, which improves blood Hb levels ( 9 ). The results of Hb and the ratio of PCV agreed with Shareef, Mohammed ( 5 ). Hb levels showed a significant change whenever sheep were fed Se, whereas the findings were incongruent with Alhidary, Shini ( 2 ), Aremmt, Jassim Alrawi ( 4 ), and Ge, Liu ( 10 ) who showed no significant differences in blood picture when using Se-enriched yeast.

Treated group G1 Control G2
WBC 103/ml 9.57±3.1 8.82±2.35
RBC × 106/ml 7.53±0.42 6.89±0.69
Hb g/dl 9.78±0.61A 8.36±0.28B
PCV % 37.24±2.11A 34.13±1.17B
Upper cases show significant differences (P≤0.05)
Table 1.Hematological effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fortified with selenium (mean ± SE)

The results revealed that Albumin was increased significantly in the control group (P≤0.05). On the other hand, AST concentration in G1, which was treated with Saccharomyces cerevisiae+Se was improved and decreased, compared to the control group. At the same time, the Globulin concentration was significantly increased (P≤0.05). The present research findings were consistent with the experimental ewes and lambs fed with a combined diet, including Se+vitamin E and had higher plasma globulin levels ( 11 ). A comparable increase in serum total Globulin was observed when ewes were fed a Se-enriched diet of 0.03 g/kg with 50 mg of vitamin E two weeks before mating until lambing ( 12 ). Increased Globulin, protein, and fatty acid in goats fed 100 mg Se-yeast+vitamin were recorded ( 13 ).

Se yeast enhanced nutrient digestibility and dose-dependently and altered the digesting microorganisms and enzymes ( 14 ). In addition, Se yeast has been shown to boost the anti-oxidant activities of sea organisms and have a critical role in improving the anti-oxidant capacity of Tibetan sheep, as measured by superoxide dismutase malondialdehyde and total anti-oxidant capacity levels ( 2 , 4 , 10 ). Se has high efficiency of the Se-dependent enzyme Glutathione ( 15 ). Numerous critical biological functions of Se include the control of anti-oxidant enzyme activity and enhancement of well-being and productivity ( 16 ). These functions and activities of Se and yeast may protect the cells and tissue of the body, especially the liver (Table 2).

Treated group G1 Control G2
AST Unit/Liter 41.2±6.11B 90.33±8.23A
ALT Unit/Liter 12.8±2.22 18.0±2.64
Total protein g/dl 5.36±0.09 4.8±0.50
Albumin gram/dl 2.43±0.03B 3.02±0.08A
Globulin gram/dl 2.93±0.45A 1.78±0.09B
Upper case letters show significant differences (P≤0.05)
Table 2.The role yeast fortified with Selenium Saccharomyces Cerevisiae plus selenium on the AST, ALT, and protein concentration (mean ± SE)

The results showed that Se-enhanced yeast improves Hb concentration, PCV, Globulin, and AST enzyme deviation. The synergistic action of yeast cells plus Se in organic form was responsible for this increase.

Authors' Contribution

Study concept and design: M. A. S.

Acquisition of data: F. T. A.

Analysis and interpretation of data: M. K. J. A.

Drafting of the manuscript: S. T. J. A.

Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: A. A. O.

Statistical analysis: H. M. A.

Administrative, technical, and material support: A. A. O.


The ethical approval was approved from the University of Anbar.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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