Author = Luis Delpy
Standardisation de la meleine a l'institut d'Hessarek (lran)

Volume 8, Issue 1, January and February 1951, Pages 36-39


Luis Delpy

Recherche sur l'immunisations anticlaveleuse. II. Sur un nouvea vaccjn tissulaire formule

Volume 7, Issue 1, January and February 1950, Pages 33-39


Luis Delpy; A. Rafyi; H. Mir Chamsy

Présence en iran d'Ornithodorus erraticus (lucas 1849)

Volume 6, Issue 1, January and February 1949, Pages 35-40


Luis Delpy

Sur une souche de BRUCELLA d'origine humaine

Volume 4, Issue 1, January and February 1947, Pages 77-78


Luis Delpy; M. Kaweb

Les rongeurs de la region de Tehran

Volume 5, Issue 1, January and February 1946, Pages 51-61


Luis Delpy; A. Rafyi

Existence de la brucellose en Iran. Isolement de Brucella abortus

Volume 3, Issue 1, January and February 1946, Pages 55-59


Luis Delpy; M. Kaweb